Introduction to our Statement of Faith
From its inception, the church has always found it helpful to summarize its core convictions in rather short and succinct statements such as hymns, creeds, and confessions to impart truth, clarify and prevent confusion, protect from false teaching, and otherwise hold fast to the historic landmarks of our heritage. As Albert Mohler once said, “In a time of confusion, one of the greatest gifts that can be given to and by Christ’s church is clarity, and clarity requires at times that matters of truth, should be put into words in order to bear the testimony of that clarity”. We believe that a clear statement of faith is a wonderful gift to the church of Jesus Christ.
The Christian confession is merely a response to God’s revelation. Thus, the confessions of a church and its individual members should correspond to the boundaries and contours of biblical truth that God has revealed to us. All Christians everywhere say they believe the Bible; but creeds, confessions, and statements help to clarify what it is that we believe about the Bible.
Our statement of faith seeks to establish historical continuity and unity with other Christians. We aim to show that we are not given to theological novelties but stand with two feet firmly planted in the historic Christian tradition. This statement of faith relies much on the documents such as 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.
The Christian confession is merely a response to God’s revelation. Thus, the confessions of a church and its individual members should correspond to the boundaries and contours of biblical truth that God has revealed to us. All Christians everywhere say they believe the Bible; but creeds, confessions, and statements help to clarify what it is that we believe about the Bible.
Our statement of faith seeks to establish historical continuity and unity with other Christians. We aim to show that we are not given to theological novelties but stand with two feet firmly planted in the historic Christian tradition. This statement of faith relies much on the documents such as 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.