Gracious Cross Reformed Church
in Salem, Oregon.
“If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
— 1 Peter 4:11
Welcome to Gracious Cross Reformed Church.
Allow us to take this opportunity to introduce Gracious Cross Reformed Church to our Salem/Keizer Area. Because we are a small church, meeting as we do in the Courthouse Fitness Center, near Lancaster Blvd. in N.E. Salem, we have low visibility. And yet, we have a big vision to be a great blessing to our community. Please understand, our efforts here are not because we think there are no other good evangelical churches in our town. There are many for which we are truly thankful.
However, we are not aware of any local churches in our area that are both Reformed in Doctrine (i.e., we love the Doctrines of Grace, and all the solas) and believe that the Spiritual Gifts Continue to operate today. That is, ministry is with the gifts of the New Testament. So, we are Continuationists. And we are Evangelistic in Mission. That is, we zealously embrace the Great Commission as a way of life for every believer.
For too long, many who hold to all three of these important biblical positions have had to attend three different churches! That is not good. We solve that challenge. In addition, we desire to develop neighborhood Christian communities where helping out one another in practical ways is an everyday part of our lives, where generous hospitality toward one another and our neighbors is the norm, and where every believer understands him or herself to be an actual Ambassador for Christ and therefore devotes his or her own household to serve as an Embassy of the Kingdom of God to his or her own neighborhood. Such a church can function as both salt and light to preserve our culture and illuminate our society with God’s Word.
We are also a church that unashamedly supports and encourages biblical manhood. We invest in training our men to manage their own households well, love their own wives, raise their own children and, where wisdom suggests it, to mind their own businesses in ways that lead to greater liberty.
Therefore, if any of our fellow evangelical Christians in the area desire to be part of such a Reformed, Spirtual-Gift Honoring, and Evangelical church, if anyone senses God’s call to join us in this work, please get in touch with us right away.
We Offer This in Christ’s Service,
The Team of Pastors at GCRC
Jesus Christ is the foundation for all that we say and do as a local evangelical church. He is our Savior, our Lord, and our King.
We believe that the Bible, the inerrant Word of the One True God, is the only rule of faith and practice for God’s people.
We are Reformed Baptists in Doctrine. We believe and teach that God is sovereign in our salvation (1 Cor. 1:26-31; Eph. 1:3-11; Rom. 8:28-32).
We are Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Who alone regenerates sinners and sanctifies, purifies, matures, instructs, and equips the members of His church, giving spiritual gifts as He wills.
We are Evangelelical in Mission – we hold that it is the duty of every church member to go into their world to present Gospel to everyone.
Please click on the “About Us” tab above for a complete overview of who we are as a church.
Click on our “Statement of Faith” for a deeper understanding of what we believe and what God is doing in and through us here at Gracious Cross Reformed Church.
Then, please click on “Visitors" to contact us if you have any questions or requests.
All Glory Be to God Alone,
– the Elder Team of Gracious Cross Reformed Church in Salem, Oregon